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Find out more about the author of Iissiidiology and IIAIDC Idea. Learn about the unique way of the deepest meditation he uses to obtain and decode this Information.

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Each Ayfaar song will inspire you and lead with confidence through the Path of the hearty Love and Light of Knowledge to the understanding of your own Essence.

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How things were formed from the very beginning - how it all has acquired its intricate meaning we are all witnessing now and how it all relates to its single-momenteness, simultaneousness and instantaneousness of our Existence.

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Cosmic codes are given in Iissiidiology to allow anyone to get information in meditation

It is obvious that it is impossible for Oris to describe everything he is aware of due to the lack of existing terms and words today. When he returns from deep meditation, he describes only the part that is suitable for adaptation with known conceptions. Therefore, 99% of all information beyond the description currently. However, there are Universal Cosmic codes and people who will approach IISSIIDIOLOGY more deeply, will be able to use them in meditations to receive information themselves without any intermediaries.

Read also The Universal Sound Cosmic Codes
